Category Archives: Morocco

For a love of all that is shoes.

It is a common misconception that all women love shoes. While it is true that most women like shoes, there are only a few of us who LOVE shoes. Let me explain.

When I was about fifteen I had a really good friend called J. She was like my sister for about a year. She was a bit older than me, smart, funny, and most of all, incredibly stylish. She never wore the same outfit twice. And she made me love shoes.

I already owned quite a lot of shoes when I met J. Probably around 20 pairs, which is a lot for a growing teenager. J was a year older than me. She owned 74 pairs of shoes. She had the same converse rip-offs in every colour under the sun, ballet pumps with every different design and motif available, boots, trainers, and a wonderful selection of ridiculous high-heels which were impossible for a sixteen-year-old to wear reasonably. She did anyway. She was my absolute idol.

From then onwards I’ve had a love of shoes. This came to a peak today, when I bought 16 pairs of shoes, all at once.

Oh well. Money well spent I say.


Sorry for the lack of posting. Last night our internet crashed. It was not fun.

Actually, it wasn’t any less fun than anything else except that I couldn’t look up facts online about my Arabic homework, which is a particular hobby of mine.

My body is also crashing again. I have heart-burn, stomach cramps and I feel nauseous. Bad times. Which is why this post is going to be so short, because I’m at school using the tinternet for my homework, and then once I’m done I plan on curling up somewhere very small and dying. While hoping that the internet at home gets fixed because there are people I miss.

Have an awesome picture.

The Flat: The return of Kushka

Had a long day. Nothing more to say there. I’m chilling here with Kushka

Was planning on having a lovely girly night in with films and chocolate, but my friend’s flat got flooded. Yes, that is how much it was raining last night. She lives on the 4th floor of her building. I hasten to add that the whole building wasn’t flooded, there was just a blockage in the drain on her balcony and so the water ran into the flat. Still not a good thing though.

So I am back in the Canadian/American/UK flat, where one of my friends lives, close to school. She’s letting me stay the night, kindly. I’m really unreasonably excited, because it’s so much fun being away from home. Which is bad, obviously, because I should be enjoying my time at home, but sometimes you just need the release of ridiculous times with the English.

Kushka is the dog. She likes eating toes. Nuff said. No more posts for today.



I’m like any other just-post-adolescent girl…I adore tiny babies, and every time I see one, I want one. Such was the case this afternoon when I met 36hour old Leena, the brand new daughter of my new Moroccan cousin Youssef and his wife. She is absolutely gorgeous in every way.

However, I am well aware of the practicalities of babies, which has to put you off a little. I wouldn’t want to be pregnant, I wouldn’t want crying, and I certainly wouldn’t want all of that in the middle of my degree program. No thanks. Another time maybe. For the Moroccans of course (the religious ones anyway) you have a baby once you get pregnant, which is probably fairly quickly after you get married because of the fact that contraception is not allowed in Islam (as in Catholicism).

EDIT: Can I just say on a later reading (03/03/14) I have no idea what I’m saying here. Contraception is totes allowed in Islam. Just not necessarily used. Whatever. Shut up past me.

Once the baby is born, things are different too. There were huge amounts of food and drink in the house when we got there, gifts because of the baby. Very little for the baby herself I noticed. Then it became clear. You need loads of sweets and cakes and things because the visitors are endless. I think that in the hour we were there, I probably met 50 or 60 new people. The flow of people was endless. And whereas we would spend all our time cooing over mother and child, they were probably the least popular people in the room. A hello from each person, and then down to the chatting. Apart from obligatory Islamic singing, they were left to themselves.

And the singing. Wow. Its nothing like nursery rhymes.

This is one of my personal favourite nursery rhymes, Skye Boat Song.

Ok, sorry, I lied. But seriously, this is Skye Boat Song. It’s not really a nursery rhyme but my Mum used to sing it to me when I was small. It is truly lovely. Enjoy.

Oh Youtube, how we love thee.

HEY GUYS! Check this out!

Have you clicked the link? If not then go back and do that, otherwise the next sentence won’t make sense…Now, you should be only the people who have clicked on the link above left.

Ok, I know I am spamming a little bit now. But people, it’s a good cause, so once again I urge you to donate. For more information about the charity which these guys are raising for, you can have a look at their website which you can find here.


Today, it was windy. Windy like you wouldn’t believe. Walking home, there were points where I thought I was going to get picked up and carried off into the trees. It was much scarier at school though. There is a sheltered area where we can sit, which is covered by some bamboo matting and then a rigid plastic sheet. The sheet became detached and was smacking up and down on the bamboo. It was really unnerving, and I probably got a little too close to the American I was sitting next to. He didn’t flinch, but he wasn’t far off it! Clearly I am repulsive. (I jest, no ‘perky’ e-mails telling me how beautiful I am please)

Anyway, to help get past the horrific sound of banging plastic we had a fun YouTube session. Come on, everyone has done it. Sharing ridiculous videos with eachother. So here, for your amusement and entertainment are some of my favourite YouTube videos.

Charlie the Unicorn
Mishka the Husky
Ross Kemp on Gangs – The Milk
4 Chords
Old Spice
Sand Art

And my personal favourite….

Giving and Recieving

I am a giver. And I resent anyone who took that in any way other than a nice and tasteful one. And on the theme of giving, you should give some money to charity. HERE

Also, I really like giving things to people, and doing things for people.

This is particularly noticeable on my Christmas List this year. When most people use the phrase ‘Christmas List’ they mean a list of things which they’ve picked out for themselves, but I always use it for the list of things I have decided to get for other people. This year my list is 68 items long. 70+ if you consider that for certain people I’m getting more than one thing. I feel like being here is the perfect opportunity to get really good value for my money on very individual gift items, which means that people who wouldn’t normally get a gift from me will. And I love that idea.

I love cooking for my friends, doing the dishes and giving people lifts. I basically enjoy anything which is for someone other than myself. I used to work in a supermarket, and I worked customer-services. I’ve never been better at anything in my life. When I am all grown up, I’d like to work for a charity. I think giving is one of the best things ever. Even though this definitely sounds like me blowing my own trumpet.

I’m pretty sure I told you to go here. What are you waiting for?

Give. It feels good.


Do you comfort-do anything? I know some people comfort-eat, or go for a walk, or do sport, or sleep, or sit in bed and cry and watch terrible films and eat chocolate and feel sorry for themselves.

When something gets me down I watch awesome TV. Today, my choice is House MD. I’ve watched a lot of the episodes, but never in order. And I find it very comforting, mostly because I really don’t understand a word that they say most of the time. The characters are very pleasing as well, and watching the series in order is much better for getting a grasp on what is actually going on between them.

In other news, you should all get to giving a bit of money to charity. A couple of my very close friends are doing the very cool RAG Jailbreak from university and they need a bit of financial boost for their fund raising effort. The smallest amount of money is still a donation, so dig deep to help them out. They’re raising money for the Kinamba Community Project and you can donate to them here!!!


Is anyone else out there a doodler?

I definitely am, which is a shame really because I can’t draw. It takes a lot of effort for me to draw things which look like they are supposed to. It’s not fair, because all of my friends are wildly artistic. The only part of art where I come into my own is doodling. I will draw anything that comes to mind, with anything available and in any style.

I particularly like cartoon-y doodles. They are always all over my school books (much to my embarrassment as I should behave more like a grown-up). And I love seeing what my mind can come up with in terms of subjects for my doodles. I almost always include the weather, because I am British, so I have to.

Have a doodle, with much love from me. Enjoy.

EDIT: Look what you made me do. Now I have doodling on the brain.


Melilla is a Spanish outpost on the northern coast of Morocco. Along with Ceuta (or Sebta) it is known as Spanish North Africa. Both towns are fairly small, but there is some nice architecture, and there are some nice cheap tax-free shops.

However, I decided not to go this weekend. I’m already glad about my choice.

Vista desde Melilla la Vieja by Miguel González Novo

I have been feeling a bit ill and under the weather as everyone knows. The journey to Melilla would take around 5 and a half hours by train, starting at 5.15. The train goes to Beni Nhar, from where you catch a grand taxi (remember them?) to the border. Passing through border control is easy [and of course it counts as leaving the country. Very handy if you happen to need to renew a Visa, which is the reason for some of my friends heading up there this weekend]. But once you get there, apparently it’s quite boring. Pretty, but boring.

So I opted out, in favour of a relaxed weekend full of terrible television and chilling in bed. It’s getting so cold here now that it’s difficult not to just give up and spend all the time I have in bed anyway. My mood has being going on a downer for a few weeks (I hope it hasn’t come across too much) and so nothing appeals to me more than having a weekend where I honestly don’t HAVE to do anything.

It will be bliss.


Have I told you about our fridge? It has a personality disorder.

It thinks it’s a freezer.

This would not be a problem, except that it makes eating things from the fridge very difficult. For example, I am not a huge fan of UHT milk. UHT stands for Ultra Heat Treated, which basically means they take the milk and don’t just kill all the bugs, they kill most of the milk as well. They blast it so hot that its flavour changes completely from normal pasturised milk. The good thing about it is that it lasts fine as long as it’s not opened, which is important in a climate like a Moroccan summer. Anyway, back to the story. I’m not a huge fan of UHT milk, but I am a fan of milk in general, and I prefer it to water or juice (which probably means I’ll die of cholesterol problems at an early age). I do not like frozen milk-slushies.

Which is what I am drinking. It’s not great, and it’s making me resent our schizophrenic fridge. It also freezes water bottles I put in it, and it tends to freeze at different rates, so that when I want cold water there is only ice, and when I think it might be nice to take a bottle of ice-water to school (letting it melt along the way) the water is still lukewarm.

There is no winning. The only solution is becoming clear. My fridge needs counselling and possibly a course of treatment.

Stupid fridge.