Category Archives: Morocco

Proud and Prejudiced

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man, possessing fortune or no, must be in need of a wife. 

Those literary people among you will notice I have slightly altered the above quote, mostly because I think mine is better and I never liked Jane Austen anyway. Sorry.

I try to keep my posts related to things which happen in my day to day life here in Fes. Today for the first time I decided to walk home. The sun was out and the birds were singing and it’s only about half an hour’s walk, so I thought ‘why not’. And really it was lovely, except it came to me that I am both proud and prejudiced. Tell me ladies and gentlemen. Is this a good thing or not? Let me explain.

When you are English, small and female, you get a lot of attention in these parts, even in the more modern Ville Nouvelle, where I live. Consequently though I wasn’t actually bothered on the way home, I got curb crawled several times, and had a lot of shouting and wolf whistling. Incidentally, there is something just a little pathetic about curb crawling while on a scooter. Don’t ask me why, but somehow, it just seems so much sadder than the others.

I realised I’m proud because I refused to look at any of these guys. And really, though I’m probably right, and anyway I don’t want a Moroccan boyfriend (not while I have the Boy hanging around in the UK) maybe it is a little pretentious of me to automatically assume I won’t like, or have anything in common with these people. Secondly I’m prejudiced because since they’re Moroccan, I automatically decide they are creeps – although in fairness if you curb crawl or whistle a girl down in the street, you probably are a creep – does that make me a bad person? Or just acceptably selective?

Equally, I’ve banished the idea of meeting someone at school. At ALIF there are a mix of Americans, Canadians, Brits, and a whole variety of other nationalities. I’m prejudiced against them because I assume they will go their ways and I’ll never see them again after this year. But as I said before, Men are in want of Wives. That’s why we get attention, sometimes from the least expected sources, sometimes from the most.

This post has now gone on too long. Later, once I’ve done my work, I might discuss different ways I have been propositioned out here. It might be interesting, so you should definitely come back and have a read.


Test over. Predictably, it went fine. Maybe. Whatever, done with now.

So now it’s hometime. Seriously, there is now a day until I have my England holiday and it hardly matters to me at all. I feel like I can just chill and not care. Of course, that’s not true at all, but whateverever. I’m really happy and I can’t think of anything reasonable to say.


Here is my unreasonableness.

We are now sitting in the garden discussing novels, and diaries, and it feels a bit comical that I’m recounting this on my blog. We’re now discussing flashing our teachers for marks. I think I should get involved in the conversation and stop writing now.

UPDATE: The panini issue has been solved for me by a highly educated friend (and several others, but he was first). I have been reliably informed that Panini is actually the plural. The singular is Panino. Taa Daa

How do you…


I’d say it’s fairly obvious how I procrastinate. The worst thing I did for my studies was to get a blog. I write to procrastinate. I write poetry (because I am that cool), I have several short stories and one novel on the go. I love going back and re-drafting them when I should be doing other things. I think it’s because it feels like I’m doing something productive, which is what I know I should be doing, so I feel like I can let myself off for not revising.

Besides, I enjoy writing more than I enjoy languages. Silly isn’t it! But never mind, because I still love languages, and I find they have more practical application than the ability to write a page of gunge about nothing in particular. I think that might be what I’m doing now, so I’m going to stop and get back to revising.


And now Ladies and Gentlemen, the grand finale

Sorry if I’ve deprived anyone of their morning reading today (a lot of people seem to read my blog at around 8am. Go figure) But I have been busy. By which I mean I slept in, which was delicious, and then I had a nice chilled out breakfast with Halima, and then I went to school.

And got harangued by Zaim for not turning up to classes (not  me specifically, but us in general). Then we did nothing productive for two hours, which probably explains why people skip off. Lunch was nice though, had a good old chatter with the girls (and my new Texan friend) and went to lunch together to have questionable paninis – A panini by the way, is a silly foodstuff. Starting with the name, I mean that was clearly invented by the Italians as yet another way to make the upper class of the western world sound really stupid. Secondly, what was ever wrong with the toastie? Paninis are always too crunchy and crispy and not filled enough. Never such problems with a toastie. And panini looks daft pluralised. Paninis. Is there another way? Let me know. Now back on topic…

Had a test in Dareeja, which was acceptable. Then we did a bit of revision because we have the final exam tomorrow. I’m not hugely worried for the actual content, I am just terrified of oral exams in general and I always freeze up and end up making ‘Help Me’ faces at the teacher until they let me leave.

Anywho, I shall now revise. Sorry for the lack of interesting posts. I do still love you all though.

The Tale of the Snail

This morning I was informed that the snails were on the boil ready to make Ghlelah. Snail in snail sauce to the rest of the normal world. I was shaken by this idea because I am not particularly keen on putting some kind of slimy little beastie in my mouth. I was aprehensive for lunch.

Lunch came and went snail-less. We had a delicious barbeque instead. I felt like Halima was teasing me, making me squirm because I didn’t know when she would decide to spring the snails on me. I spent the whole afternoon worrying – and not really working, not that the two are connected.

TANGENT: By the way I have an exam on tuesday. It’s for 10 credits of this year, and it’s in spoken dareeja. If you know me then you’ll know that considering I’m a language student I have a really impressive fear of spoken exams, so that could go well. You’ll also know that I suck at revising, hence the not really working. And now back to the story…

Finally, an hour ago I was called for dinner. I dallied on my way to the living room, trying to postpone the inevitable. Finally I gave up and got sat down. What did I find in front of me?

Rice pudding, except made with couscous.

Apparently, having scared me all day, the decision was taken that with my delicate stomach (what with it being weird on me the past week) I should not really eat snails in snail juice. I should instead eat wrong rice pudding, followed by cold boiled veg and a large lump of meat.
And you know, I am not complaining at all. Snails can wait.

There are no words for my horror.

Today I am told, lunch is snail.

Yes, Snail.


Aside from the fact that the word ‘snail’ get’s really ridiculous after the third time of writing, I’m not sure I can manage to eat a snail. They look all slimy and greasy and scary. But it’s a delicacy and so of course I have to try it. I’ll just have to let you know how it goes later, assuming I’m still alive.

That is all. More later.


I wish I was that good at haggling. I’m not. Or at least I don’t know, since Aziz has a lovely friend who has now taken me to the Medina twice. Today he helped me buy pretty things for not very much money.

I’d love to show you pictures of what I bought, but some of the people who read this blog are receiving them as gifts fairly shortly, so I don’t want to give the game away. Because they are very cool, and it took me (ahem) much haggling to get them to a price I could afford.

I’ve just noticed that so far my only ‘spelling errors’ according to Google Chrome have been the word blog and the word Google. Bit of a design flaw with the spell checking program I think, to not include your own company name as a real word. And if makaynsh the word blog (yes it has a problem with my transliterated Arabic as well, unsurprisingly – it means ‘there does not exist’) well then what exactly am I writing? Interesting things to ponder while I get back to my homework.

I am ridiculously tired and so I’ll leave it there before I say something daft.


It is 9am, my hair stinks of smoke, I had 3 hours sleep, and now I need to go to the Medina.

Moroccan flat parties are interesting. Technically this was an American/Canadian/British flat party, but it was in Morocco and that is what made it weird. Alcohol is odd here, and seeing people get that plastered was not much fun.

Also, everyone smokes like a (collective noun) of chimneys. I don’t know if I smell more of tobacco or of hash, which is a big problem here as you know. Or, if you smoke it, probably a big positive. I have no interest in smoking anything at all, so to me it’s still a problem. Also, never going to be interested in Moroccan clubs. I was fine staying in the flat chatting. Although if I’d slept it might have done me more good.

We live and learn. I’m off to buy presents!

The Pomegranate Curse

Well, to be fair, I actually doubt it’s pomegranate. Remember a few days ago when I was really ill? Well, I’m ill again. Exact same symptoms only a little bit less severe.

So, my conclusion. I have an allergy. Or at least there is something which my body really doesn’t like, and I’ve had it twice in the last 3 days. The factor which makes me think this rather than food poisoning or a bug, is that with those things the symptoms don’t completely vanish for a day in the middle, and yesterday I was fit as a fiddle.

The only thing I can think is either pomegranate, cucumber, or that something has had pesticide on it (or somesuch). So, I shall be cautious for a few days.

I’m really hoping it’s not the pomegranate because pomegranate is lush. In fact, here is a pomegranate.

ALSO: To the nice people who think I’m really depressed and consider myself a bad speller and an even worse person/friend, don’t worry. I do think that a bit, but then I always have and I always will. I only post things which I think about on here, it doesn’t particularly represent me thinking bad things about myself. In fact in reference to this post, I consider it a strong personality trait to understand properly how you interact with other people. So I am entirely being positive about my relationships with people. Deal. I am a happy little person and you all know it really. To make up for the seriousness of all this…



Lets talk about relationships. I find them fascinating.

For example: Friendship. Isn’t it a funny one. Because some people have millions of friends, some people have a few, and some people have none. And that’s just the way the world works. I should stop beginning sentences with ‘And’ because it is bad grammar, but never mind for now. It can be a new year’s resolution.

I am a person who has lots of friends I think. Though I have never really had a best friend, a fact which always makes me a bit sad. I don’t think anyone in the world right now would call me their best friend. But then in a way, that’s a good thing, because I doubt I’d be a very good best friend. I am too self-involved. The fact that I write these things proves that I feel.

Also, I feel quite lucky because it means that no-one depends on me. One of the stresses of any relationship is the fact that people depend on one-another. I always depend on boyfriends, which surprises those people who assume me to be an ‘Empowered Woman’ type. But I don’t think I’m ever really depended on, which suits me fine because at the end of the day, I’d probably be a bit useless.

That’s my thoughts on that then. Taa Daa. A demain.