Category Archives: Rant


This week a couple of famous people have passed away. I’m not that sad. I get why other people are sad, because we associate certain images, and sounds, and films, and speeches, and etc, with all kinds of important moments in our lives. Then, when the person who helped create that moment, or who brought it back to life for you each time you replayed that bit of media, dies, it feels like something has happened to that memory.

So I get it.

But then there are also a bunch of people who are sad for the sake of being sad. Someone everyone knows about died, and that’s a reason to get angry with the world. They were “taken too young”, or “the world is a little darker now”. Be real. No it’s not. You’re just creating melodrama, and I am absolutely positive that is the last thing in the world that those people would want. They were just people after all.

“Yeah” I hear you say (with your wheedly little voice of melodrama), “but they did amazing things”.

Well fine. They did. They were part of something special, because of their own unique gifts. But that’s something to be celebrated, not mourned. Don’t be sad that they are gone, be glad that they were ever here, born into a world where they could do the great things that they did. Take a leaf out of their book. Be ready to do something extraordinary, because that’s all they were. Normal humans who went ahead and did their own brand of extraordinary thing. That’s why we’ll remember them.

Go. Create.

Sympathy for the Grinch

I’m suffering from that most recognisable of diseases, grincheyness. It’s been brought on by an overdose of “my-final-draft-should-be-submitted-by-Monday”.

The weekend ahead should look very pleasing. I’m seeing various friends for good food and drink and company, I’ve got baking to do for work, and the weather is (currently) not shocking. I’m totally uninspired by the whole thing, and what’s worse, I don’t want to be.

And apologies to those friends I’m going to spend time with, who I know full well read this blog. Worry not, by tomorrow I’ll have chased off the grincheyness and replaced it with sunshine and laughter which will be entirely genuine, because these are people whose company I truly appreciate. But today, I am grinchey, and I’d just rather no-one takes it away from me.

I have  a lot of sympathy for the Grinch. Everyone can’t be sunshine and rainbows all the time. Some people are and they are sickening and boring. The world needs a good dose of cynicism, occasional malice, and often an undertone of general grumpiness. It’s important to be ok with not being happy, because if you’re not then being unhappy turns into a downward spiral of defeat. I don’t particularly like being not happy, and given the choice I’d have gone for some escapism for this evening and less grincheyness. But I’m here now, and I’m determined to enjoy my grumpy mood to it’s fullest.

I shall make dinner tonight, and it shall be delicious. But I’ll be resentful of all the ingredients for being healthy and fresh and not a cheap and nasty take-away.

I shall watch the Great British Menu tonight, and a chef will be knocked out, and regardless of who it is, it’ll be the wrong person.

I shall probably not do my Steptember steps, and then I may wallow in my guilt a while (but you should sponsor me anyway).

I shall go to bed frustrated that my thesis isn’t submitted.


And I’ll wake up tomorrow and we can have sunshine and rainbows again. But just not today. Thanks.

Thesis Writing and Hormones

I have under a month before I submit my MAR thesis.

I also have three months until my contraceptive implant runs out, and my my, it is doing some tremendous things to my mood. I anticipate the next month to be a month of many things, including (but not limited to):

– a lot of anger
– a lot of crying
– a lot of wondering what I’m doing with my life and whether I’ve ever made any of the right choices EVER (spoiler, I have, it’s all fine)
– a fair amount of knowing that I’m acting a little bit nutty
– a fair amount of not really caring about the above and doing it anyway because I’m entitled to
– a lot of procrastination
– leading to a clean house, many clean clothes, many clean dishes, and probably lots of good food
– lots of walking

I don’t know if the next month will include very many blog posts, so if it doesn’t, I’m sorry (but also possibly not, because they’d probably just be angry and unrepresentative of my general life/mood).

In case it doesn’t involve a lot of blogging, you should all know that I’m currently raising money for Scope by trying to walk 10,000 steps a day – and currently doing very badly due to an inexplicably injured foot. You can donate towards our team goal by going to this link or by visiting and searching for “LUU Steptember Team”. Scope are a fantastic charity so all donations would be very gratefully appreciated!

Going Rogue

It’s Saturday night. I’m sat in my front room, watching X-Men Origins: Wolverine. It’s a great film.

I was out and about with some friends, celebrating a birthday. The birthday-ee (that’s a thing, I think) chose to do the famed Otley Run, which is a pub crawl through Leeds. As a general rule, I’m not a fan, because I find it incredibly nerve-wracking being forced to drink pint after pint at breakneck speed, especially  if there are all kinds of other rules attached a lá drinking with your left hand, not saying the word table, and remembering that it’s definitely the birthday boy’s 21st birthday (and not actually his 30th).

The pub crawl was themed around superheroes and supervillains, and I dressed as one of my favourite characters, Rogue. I based my outfit on this picture, and honestly, I think it turned out quite well.


As it turns out, some other people thought I looked good too.

Except, unlike Boyfriend, who got lots of positive comments for his great Gambit outfit, my comments were very much directed at me. So let’s just talk about that.

A few years ago, when I lived in Morocco, I wrote a post about different ways I was propositioned. And it’s terrible to say, but I found it a bit funny, because it’s almost expected of men there. Because “they don’t know any better“, which by all accounts just shouldn’t be an excuse which works for anyone. But it does, and so I chugged along my merry way thinking that Moroccan men were a bit untoward but ultimately that was fine.

I somehow didn’t think it’d happen to me here. I’m sad to say that in Leeds in the last few years there have been enough incidents of harassment and assault that sometimes I don’t feel safe, but I didn’t expect today to be one of those times. I was apprehensive about today because I don’t really get on with social activity involving peer pressure and alcohol, but I can get past that for the sake of a friend wanting to have a good time.

The first comment I got was in between the first and second pubs on the pub crawl. It was just a sly “nice arse” from a passing man. Ok fine. You have no class. Move along.

The second and third comments were both in the second pub, both similar arse-centric comments under the breath. After that I very much stopped counting. Some guys shouted at me from the balcony of a bar, then stared at me the whole time I was in there. My skin crawled. A bouncer at another bar offered to “save me” from my friends (who were a little rowdy by this point) and then shouted my name after me. Two people shouted at me from their cars.

And here’s the thing right. This isn’t a mega-feminist rant. I’m not that person. This is just me being a human person and saying that you have a right to have any opinion you like about my body and how I display it. But you have absolutely no right to make me feel so uncomfortable that I decide not to carry on with my night.

And if you’re my neighbour, who from his open window shouted “go on honey, shake that ass” repeatedly as I walked home in broad daylight, then you probably should feel ashamed of the fact that for tonight, I don’t feel comfortable leaving the house and passing your window again.

There are hundreds upon thousands of beautiful men and women in the world. I’ve crossed paths with a great number of them. I’ve remarked on various aspects of their beauty to Boyfriend, or my friends. You know what I’ve never done? Said it so loudly that it might impact on their life. Because that’s not fair. They didn’t ask for that judgement, they didn’t ask what I think of them, so why would I feel the need to say it.

Congratulations to every person in the city of Leeds tonight who ruined my experience of just dressing up as one of my favourite fictional characters. Hope you’ve had a ball.

Shut Up

On Family Guy there’s a character called Meg, and her dad Peter is always saying “Shut Up Meg”. And generally I’m not a fan, because I don’t think the show is that funny, and I certainly don’t see the humour in repeatedly telling a fairly sensible teen girl to shut up.

But, sometimes I understand, because there come those days where you just want to tell everything about the world to shut up so you can get on with your life. The world is full of those little niggles and everyone now and then there’s a day when they all happen at once, and that’s today, and they just need to SHUT UP.

7.00am – I wake up. Despite the fact that sensible past-Sally set my alarm for 6.00am. Why would my morning brain suddenly decided it knows better than past-me, and repeatedly snooze my alarm. Because my morning-brain is terrible, that’s why.

7.30am – I walk to the gym, past all the medievalists who are currently in Leeds for the International Medieval Congress. Which, despite being a medievalist, I’ve not had anything to do with, because once again my supervisors have told me absolutely nothing about it.

8.30am – I get dressed for the day after going to the gym. I discover that past-Sally isn’t all that great, because she picks absolutely shocking outfits and now I’m dressed stupidly and I have to get to work.

9.00am – I get to work. Which to be fair, is mostly fine, so let’s skip ahead a few hours.

1.00pm – I’m about to go for lunch when suddenly we enter the world of Jumanji and a freak storm hits (presumably because some some snotty kid somewhere rolled a 3). Outside is now just not a place anyone wants to be.

3.00pm – I leave work, and walk home. There are no freak storms, and so for reasons unknown to me I choose to walk down the muddy, slippery verge opposite my house. Where I (inevitably) fall over. Apparently present-Sally is exactly as much of a pain as past-Sally.


3.05pm – I get in, change out of my mud-covered clothes, and cut THE MOST LABELS IN THE WORLD out of the back of my underwear because they are annoying. H&M, this is not what I am paying you for. At all.


3.30pm – I write this blog post, confident in the fact that either my laptop will spontaneously combust directly after I finish writing, or that WordPress will take its monthly random nose-dive.

In short, today can shut up and it’s not even 4pm yet.


I generally don’t do token gestures (because most things mean too much to me to be token about them, and also I’m cynical).

Which is why I don’t have a rainbow Facebook picture. It’s not because I don’t support the SCOTUS decision. I do, whole heartedly. But several well educated people in the liberated West making a sensible decision which should have been reached ages ago, a groundbreaking culture change does not make.

I think it’s a bit like the Aristotle quote (check me out, I’m so literate – the inclusion of this makes me a horribly pretentious person)

The more you know, the more you know you don’t know.

Over the last few years I’ve learnt a lot about the world and all it’s inequalities. I know how lucky I am to live in a place where I’m not the target of physical violence just because of my gender. That if I wanted to have a relationship with another woman I could. That if I had an accident which left me physically disabled, that wouldn’t be the end of my life.

Everyone doesn’t live like that, and because of that I just can’t change my profile picture to a pride version and be happy. It feels too token.

But, and listen because this is the important bit, if you support the LGBT* movement and you want to show it via your Facebook picture, absolutely do it. Culture change is about seeing other people believing something and being inspired to join them, and just because I’m not comfortable doing it doesn’t mean I’m not hugely inspired by the number of my friends supporting this cause.

I know too much. If you ask me why I’m seemingly not supporting what I consider to be a relatively minor decision, I’ll explain to you, and maybe then you’ll know too much as well. But in the interim, let’s all enact positive culture change in the absolute best ways that we know how.


I have so much to say recently, but no time to sit down and blog about it. To remedy this, I’ve just created a whole bunch of drafts which sometime in the future I’ll go back to and write up in full. They range from my Grandfather to Whitehall and back again (via social anxiety and Borneo). You’re set for a good time basically.

Meanwhile, can we just take a second to all be confused about this song:

Because I mean. What? I’m very conflicted. I’m a big supporter of the idea that women can put their career before their relationships. It’s a good thing that Usher doesn’t mind. However, should he mind that his girlfriend is engaging in a job which is typically degrading and even dangerous for the women involved? Also, surely he should engage in his girlfriend’s work life anyway and not just be fine with whatever so long as she comes home. That’s not a loving and attentive relationship.

Also it’s a bit of a shocking song.



Do you know what’s great? Having pockets. They are so useful for keeping things in, such as phones, keys, money, and hands.

Do you know what’s not great? The fact that clothing designers seem to think women don’t need pockets.

Let’s just be clear. I am not in any way interested in carrying a bag around all the time. I’m going to lose it, it’s going to get in the way, and it’s going to end up filled with all kinds of things I don’t need to bring with me everywhere. But I’ll bring them anyway because as we know, if it goes in the handbag, it lives in the handbag forever.

Instead, I’d like to just bring my phone and keys with me in my pocket. Except apparently, as a woman, I’m not allowed pockets of a reasonable capacity for that. Which is crazy, frankly. I understand that women’s clothing is designed with body shape quite strongly in mind, and it’s not necessarily flattering to ruin one’s beautiful curves with chunks of technology. But it’s also my choice. A completely flat pocket shouldn’t alter the shape of a garment – I know, because I watch the Great British Sewing Bee. So could high street shops please hire better pattern-makers who can manage to include pockets in my clothing? I’ll pay a couple of pounds extra for the ability to own clothes which actually do what I want them to.

Or if you’re going to insist I carry a handbag everywhere, could we make them the right size? Because they’re all either too big or too small. There’s just no winning.

Blogging credibility

It’s a while since I’ve written (as per), but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been getting my blog fix. Alongside writing this, I read a lot of blogs, and I thought it was time for a bit of an update (on the state of blogging, since I’m clearly the foremost authority on that).

Recently I’ve noticed that aside from the blogs I have on my feedly, I’ve also been reading a lot of blogs posted across social media. I’m glad to see that we’ve moved on from the Buzzfeed epidemic which swept across the online world in mid/late 2014, but I’m not sure how I feel about the type of posts which have taken over. They’re a bit symptomatic of a trend on well-known blogs and multi-user sites: a downturn in general credibility.

Let me explain. Sites like the Huffington Post, where I used to go knowing I’d be reading a well-written, well-researched, and appropriately pitched article are now letting all kinds of people loose to use their name, and it’s drastically compromising their credibility. A perfect example of this is an article I read recently on Now, we all know my views on internet feminism, and so it’s not like I’ve ever been a massive jezebel reader/fan, but that’s not to say that their articles aren’t normally well written and well reasoned, if a little bit militant.

Not this article.

It’s a comment piece on the number of black performers in the world of opera, and being a bit of an opera fan it naturally caught my attention. I sat down to it thinking I’d be reading a measured look at an under-represented group within the art form, and maybe dealing with ways to engage more singers of diverse ethnic origins into opera. Instead, what I read was a childish rant about how a woman was unwilling to appreciate that she was obscuring another theatre-goer’s view, and then decided to turn it into a race issue when actually it was an issue of her inability to react politely. She begins the article by suggesting that opera is the preserve of the “geriatric elite” and explains that’s the main reason she goes, so I really should have known not to read on.

The article is everything wrong with blogging. It’s inflammatory,  turns one person’s annoyance into a race issue, and then drags in opera and suggests that it’s an issue with the art form. Given that the writer clearly doesn’t have any real appreciation for opera, I found it all a bit cheeky. I reached the end of the article frustrated that she’d misappropriated my art form to air her pathetic and childish views. Not only that, but the article wasn’t well written, and featured a couple of shameless bouts of self-promotion. Not what I expect from a well-reputed(ish) blog.

Needless to say, I’ll be avoiding for the future, because to me it lost a mountain of credability the moment it published this piece (you’ll notice I haven’t linked to it, because I don’t really want to give them additional views – if you’re curious, a search for “jezebel opera” should turn it up).

So here are some blogs which I read, which you should read, and which aren’t compromising everything which brought me to them in the first place: –

The Bloggess
Cowdy Calling
Diary of “That Fat Girl”
Smitten Kitchen (because not all blogs have to be rife with views)
PostSecret (still doing good stuff, still ad-free)

This is only a short list, but then it’s only for starters. I’m not here to dictate, just to suggest. I suggest these. You’re welcome.


Here are some things which are positive (+) and negative (-) about my life today. Because I genuinely couldn’t think of a better blog post.

+ I am doing work on my thesis
– My thesis work is tedious and makes me sad
+ I’m on an audition panel for a great show in a few hours
– There are some organisational issues to get sorted with said show
+ Boyfriend picked a lovely picture of us for his profile picture
– Now I can’t use it
+ I am blogging!
– I am scared of turning my HabitRPG back on and being a motivated person again
+ My friend (blog protégé…blogtégé?) is safely in her new home and blogging
– I wish I lived in her new home in Paris
+ My other best friend got an amazing offer for an amazing PhD that she will be amazing at
– I want to be offered a PhD (ideally on a plate…thanks)

I mean, life is clearly pretty good, and I’m just in the mood for a whinge. But then again, everyone is entitled to the odd whinge, aren’t they?