Sniffling and General Noises

Since I got “back into” the blogging game (and I do use that term loosely, but I think I’ve apologised enough this year for my lack of consistency) a lot of things have happened. They have generally been too mundane to warrant blogging about, but I think the most recent occurrences do warrant a small word.

Put simply, the reason I haven’t blogged for a while is that I’ve been too busy. The reasons I have been busy are that a few weeks ago we put on “Ruddigore”, one of the most fraught-with-trouble shows I’ve ever had the privelidge of being involved with. It was wonderful though, and well worth all of the heart-ache. I played a ghost, a flower, a bloke, and a frenchman, and it was glorious.

Ah, oui oui, je suis
Ah, oui oui, je suis

Following on from the opera, I then chose to let my body relax, which was apparently a terrible move as I’ve been ill ever since. The Boy must be thoroughly fed up by now with my constant sniffling and whining. I’m very rarely ill (or at least rarely very ill, but this has been a notable exception. Between the opera, my job, having a lovely visit from my parents, trying to get some work done on my masters, and being voted onto the LUU Backstage committee, I’ve really driven myself into the ground. I’m slowly recovering, with large amounts of chicken soup and general goodwill, but I get the impression it’ll be a while before I’m totally better.

In the meantime as I sniff away, I’m hoping to get back to blogging a little more frequently. I’ve also stumbled across Issuu, which I’m now using for my page, so do check that out when you have a chance (if only to cringe at my stunning poetry skills). Hopefully I’ll update that soon to include some more bits and bobs. For now, back to the sniffing however.

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